Overcoming doubts is the first step to achieve success

Today, didn’t go as planned. I woke up early hoping to go for a walk, but decided to sit down and paint instead. However, I started experiencing back spasms. That’s when I decided that it is better to go for a walk and get some physical exercise.

I don’t particularly enjoy walking on the streets of Mumbai. They are not particularly clean and you can confront all sorts of smells emanating out of garbage on the streets especially in the monsoon season.

But then I went for a walk. I was glad that I did. It felt good to be out and embrace the outdoors for whatever they are. I reminded myself that I need to be grateful for what I am experiencing right now.

Although I am still suffering from back spasms, I am glad that I was able to for my walk and get some painting done today, even if it meant making a mini-painting. Somedays, I am grateful to get even a little bit in.

Sometimes, simple tasks of life can seem challenging. When I start a painting, I am always inspired and intimidated at the same time. I want to paint it, but I am also scared if the outcome will be good. But when I go past the feelings of doubts and uncertainties, I begin to enjoy the process. Once that happens, the outcome is usually good.

That makes me think that it is usually the imagination of the outcome that prevents us from starting and continuing with something. Instead if we focus on the activity, we will feel happy. Outcome is important, but more important is our ability to enjoy the process, to learn to let go of the feelings of doubts.

I think it is important to remind ourselves that to begin any task we need a positive mindset. That we need to focus on the task, rather than get worried about outcome. Sometimes, our efforts are important than the outcome. It is impossible to achieve the outcome without making any efforts.

Rather than thinking, what is the point, it is better to think, there is a point.

Are there any areas in your life, where you feel stuck because you are unable to move past the feelings of doubts and uncertainties?