Day 12: Meditation challenge update

Yesterday’s meditation was good. I again slept halfway. But now I am beginning to enjoy them, even if I sleep through some of it. I definitely get ready for my sleep & even if I am tempted to look at social media & Netflix, I don’t feel as interested. So, don’t waste my time.

Even during the day, my engagement on social media & apps is getting less. I remain more focused on my goals/ tasks for the day. These days I am helping another client transition to a low-carb diet. Although it’s not tough, some people face more challenges than others.

Transitioning from a high-carb to a lower-carb diet can be challenging as many people are addicted to sugar & or carbs. What I have also noticed is that most people have diets that are deficient in proteins. So the tricky part is to convince people to stop having carbs & focus more on proteins. Once people understand & start seeing the benefits, they sincerely make an effort to adapt to the low-carb way of eating.

I really enjoy the process of helping people make this transition. Because the impact of such a way of eating is life-changing for some people especially those who are dealing with a metabolic syndrome.

Now, I will sit for my meditation. So, until tomorrow.